PMES® is an application built around customer needs that allows real-time Process and Utilities variables monitoring, KPI calculation related to single machinery, plant sections or whole plants, Mass Balance calculation related to plant areas or whole plants and Energy Balance related to Plant utilities sections.
Process Monitoring Evaluation System
Uniesse Novachem Srl
VAT nr. IT09419890158
Via Monte Generoso, 5
22020 Dizzasco (CO) Italy
Tel. +39 031 82 13 82
Viale Milanofiori - Strada 4
Palazzo Q7
20089 Rozzano (MI) Italy
Tel. +39 02 23 17 47 31
Privacy & cookie policy (GDPR 2018)
ISO9001:2015 Certificate Nr. 9904558
Versione Italiana
English Version
ISO45001:2018 Certificate Nr. 2417878
Versione Italiana
English Version

ISO45001:2018 Certificate Nr. 2417878